Referring Physician Resources
Thank you for trusting us with the care of your patients!
Spine Referrals
All spine triage assessments require a referral from a healthcare provider with a valid practitioner ID. We encourage you to review our Referral Information Form that was developed by the spine surgeons within the University of Calgary Spine Program. For more information on current wait-times please see the Spine assessment information page.
Rheumatology Referrals
All NEW rheumatology consultations require a referral from a healthcare provider with a valid practitioner ID. We encourage you to review the Rheumatology Department Information to get a full understanding of the process.
Physiotherapy & Chiropractic
Caleo’s experienced physiotherapists & Chiropractors are accepting new referrals. While physician referrals are not required, they are encouraged. Our allied health professionals work closely with our physicians and surgeons to ensure optimal care for your patients. read more
If your patient has been involved in Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) understanding their diagnosis and treatment options will allow your patient to access timely care and the most appropriate care pathway(s).
Physicians can send a referral to Caleo Health a referral, we will help you complete the necessary forms and help your patients navigate the system should they require treatment. read more
Specialist eConsultation Request
To improve primary care physician access to specialist advice, Caleo Health in conjunction with eMD Consults and Secure Health Exchange launched the eConsultation request function. This service allows physicians to seek advice electronically from a specialist on routine (non-urgent) referral cases. Any clinician with a valid practitioner ID can start using the specialist eConsultation request today.
Click on the “Learn More” button below to receive more information regarding the Specialist eConsultation process.
Image-Guided Pain Therapy
Physicians and other healthcare providers may refer their patients for a variety of Image-Guided Pain Therapies for the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders.
Some of these procedures include peripheral joint injections, facet joint injections, epidural injections, medial branch block, and radiofrequency neurotomy.
These procedures are performed under direct visualization utilizing digital fluoroscopic, x-ray and/or ultrasound in order to target the right anatomy.
Click on the “REQUISITION” button below to access the Image-Guided Pain Therapy form. read more
Botox® for Chronic Migraine Referral Form
The chronic migraine headache clinic is meant to assist physicians with the diagnosis and treatment of their patients. Chronic migraine is one of many different types of headaches. There are also many different treatment options depending on the type of headache a patient may suffer from. These treatment options may help provide relief when the appropriate treatment is selected. Selecting the appropriate treatment may be dependent on several different factors including the type of headache experienced and the severity of the headache.
Recognizing that your patient is suffering from migraines and getting and verifying the diagnosis is important because any delay may adversely affect treatment outcomes. read more
Medical Cannabis /Medical Marijuana
Now accepting referrals, please call 403.984.5454 for more information or click the button below to access the appointment booking and referral information. Feel free to fax your referrals to 403.984.5445
Opioid tapering/Transitional Pain program
Dr. Denise Eckensweller, MD and Dr. Elias Soumbasis, MD are now accepting referrals, please call 403.930.3188 for more information or click the button below to access the referral form. Feel free to fax your referrals to 403.984.5445
Medical Records
To request Medical records, please email [email protected] or call 403.452.0999 ext 113 for more information or click the button below to access further details. Feel free to fax your request to 403.984.5448
MSK & Pain Management Clinic
Dr. Francine van Rooyen, Dr. Frederick van Rooyen and Dr. Klasa will be providing consultation services in physical medicine and multidisciplinary pain management including interventional procedures. Acute & chronic pain referrals should be directed to the MSK & PAIN CLINIC.
- Referrals will be accepted by fax using the attached form (click the link below)
- Acute MSK assessments will be accommodated when possible.
- Urgent consultations should be faxed with appropriate supporting documentation.