ONLY FOR Physicians and medical offices requesting Specialist eConsultations:
Dear Physicians
Mental health problems and psychiatric disorders are common in our community and the majority of patients with mental illness are managed in primary care. In most situations, a formal referral to a Mental Health specialist (psychiatrist) not required or necessary.
To improve primary care physician access to eAdvice, eMD Consults in conjunction with Dr. Lauren Zanussi, psychiatrist and Dr. Craig Pearce, anesthetist and Secure Health Exchange launched the psychiatry and Chronic Pain eConsultation request function. This service allows physicians to seek advice electronically from a specialist on routine (non-urgent) referral cases. Any clinician with a valid practitioner ID can start using the eConsultation request today. Click on the “Get Started” button below to access the eConsultation form. If you have not joined secure-mail you will be asked to join and create your username and password. This will be the same username and password that you will use to access the eConsultation platform.
When to use the specialist eConsultation request
Physicians may seek eAdvice, through eConsultation requests for non-urgent patient situations when:
- It is unclear if a referral would be appropriate
- Considerations of care are uncertain
- Any specialty-specific information is uncertain
- Management advice is required
How to request a Specialist eConsultation:
*Report any questions or issues to [email protected] or call| 403.930.0187
- Clink the Blue “Get Started” button below
- Register for Your Account
- Complete the eConsultation Form:
- Submit Request Form (submitted forms will automatically be sent to the eMD eConsultation Department)
- Province-wide access through CaleoHealth.ca
- Guaranteed response within 30 days
- Secure, traceable communication
- Attach labs & imaging directly to the eRequest form
- Bill using eConsult codes 03.01R (referring physician) and 03.01O (advising physician)
Don’t have a Secure-Mail Account?
Click here to sign up now
Referring physicians can bill Bill using eConsult code 03.01R
Advising specialist can bill using eConsult code 03.01O
Contact Us - Psychiatry eConsultation
Psychiatry eConsultation Billing Codes
Psychiatry eConsultation Billing Codes
Referring physicians can bill Bill using eConsult code 03.01R (referring physician).
Advising specialist can bill using eConsult code 03.01O (advising physician)
03.01O Physician to Physician secure E-Consultation, consultant NOTE:
- May only be claimed when both the request and response referring and consulting physician exchange communication are sent by using a secure email system electronic means. that is in compliance with the CPSA guidelines on secure electronic communication and when the physician/clinic has submitted a Privacy Impact Assessment for this service acceptable to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Alberta. Please refer to the CPSA for email security guidelines. Physicians must be able to provide evidence of the proper use of email security guidelines.
- This service is only eligible for payment if the consultant physician has provided an opinion/advice and/or recommendations for patient treatment and/or management within thirty (30) days from the date of the e-consultation request.
- May only be claimed when initiated by the referring physician.
- The consultant may not claim a major consultation, physician to physician phone call, or procedure for the same patient for the same condition within 24 hours of receiving the request for an e-consultation unless the patient was transferred from an outside facility and advice was given on management of that patient prior to transfer.
- May only be claimed when the consultant has provided an opinion and recommendations for patient treatment as well as management after reviewing pertinent family/patient history, history of the presenting complaint as well as laboratory and other data where indicated. It is expected that the purpose of the communication will be to seek the advice of a physician more experienced in treating the particular problem in question, and that the referring physician intends to continue to care for the patient.
- May not be claimed for situations where the purpose of the communication is to:
- arrange for an expedited consultation or procedure within 24 hours except when the conditions in note 4 are met
- arrange for laboratory or diagnostic investigations
- discuss or inform the referring physician of results of diagnostic investigations.
- Documentation of the request and advice given must be recorded by the consultant in their patient records.
- This service may not be claimed for transfer of care alone
AMA Notes: 03.01O has been revised for consistency and to capture the necessary security details that are a part of electronic communications. This code is meant to compensate physicians for the time spent completing a consultation via electronic means. The intent is that the consultant would review the patients’ referral letter and work up and make recommendations about treatment to the referring physician without actually having seen the patient. You may use 03.01O only when you have completed the consultation using a secure electronic method such as secure electronic messaging, secure email or other secure electronic products that are accepted by the OIPC. See the portion of the Billing Corner titled “Are you prepared for electronic communication?”
Wait-times are based on the time the online registration process is fully completed and form submitted. Wait-times are subject to change from time to time due to volume of registered patients and availability of service providers.
Note: Should you want to cancel a Psychiatry eConsultation request please send us an email to [email protected] and we will cancel the request and destroy any documents that you have submitted.
CLICK HERE TO LOG BACK IN For more information please contact the eConsultation Department: email|[email protected] or call |403.452.4798
Terms of Use
Terms of Use
Legal Disclaimer
This Agreement governs the relationship between Caleo Health (“Caleo Health”) and the user (the “Client”) which may be either our Assessment & Consultation Team providing Assessment Services on behalf of Caleo Health or a client purchasing the Assessment & Consultation Services of Caleo Health.
Because this service is accessible via our website, you agree to abide by our Legal Disclaimer posted there, including the terms and conditions described below. These terms and conditions are subject to change from to time by Caleo Health. It is your responsibility to review them regularly as you will be bound by the terms and conditions upon the day you use our services.
Client will pay Caleo Health its fees set out on the Caleo Health website from time to time for the service(s) selected by the Client. Caleo Health reserves the right to change its fees or levels of service at any time. The price or portion of the payment that will be paid to Caleo Health for their Assessment & Consultation Service, including any diagnosis and treatment recommendations, which is the total amount paid by the Client purchasing the Assessment & Consultation Service minus the amounts set out below, as applicable (“Service Fee”). Following your assessment should you choose to continue with services at Caleo Health please be aware that any uninsured services will require additional fees. Any services that are provided under the schedule of medical benefits will be billed under your Provincial Health Plan (if applicable) provided that you have a valid Provincial Health Number (PHN).
The service provided through Caleo Health is no different from the diagnostic services typically provided by a physician-led team. Caleo Health assessors providing this service will have the benefit of information that would be obtained by examining you in person and observing your physical condition. The medical questionnaire, referral documents and information provided by you at the time of registration and at the time the service is delivered must be complete and accurate, should any information be omitted the assessment team may not be aware of facts or information that would affect their opinion, diagnosis and recommendations.
Visitors who use the Caleo Health website do so in accordance with Alberta law.
Caleo Health Phone & Email Directory – Scroll Down ↓ for All Options
HEALTH LINK | 403.943.LINK (5465) or Dial 811
CLINIC PHONE NUMBERS: (MS Windows users – Ctrl+F to Search by Name)
Clinic line | Dr. C. Morse, Dr. C. Lorincz, Liuba Aikoroje (NP), Karli Fagerheim (NP) & Chris Wong (NP) 403.374.0781 Fax | 403.984.1909 Clinic line | Dr. W. Meerholz & Dr. D. Fleck: 403.984.5454 press (2) for Dr. Fleck & Dr. Meerholz Fax | 403.984.5445 Clinic line | Dr. D. Eckenswiller: 403.930.3188 Fax | 403.984.5445 Clinic line | Dr. E. Soumbasis: 403.452.5608 Fax | 403.984.5445 Clinic line| Dr. M. Christie: 403.547.9135 Fax | 403.984.5445 Clinic line| Dr. G. Malcolm: 403.547.9135 Fax | 403.984.5445 REHABILITATION DEPARTMENT Clinic line | Physiotherapy: 403.241-3529 Fax | 403.452.0995 Clinic line | Chiropractic: Dr. J. Storring & Dr. J. Sandman 403.241-3529 Fax | 403.452.0995 MSK & PAIN DEPARTMENT Clinic line | Dr. M. Klasa – Medication Management Clinic: 403.984.5458 Fax | 403.984.5445 Clinic line | Dr. D. Louw – Headache Clinic: 403.452.6876 Fax | 403.984.5469 Clinic line| Dr. F. Barnard & Dr. F. van Rooyen – Pain Management Clinic: 403.984.5458 Fax | 403.984.5445 Clinic line| Opioid Tapering Clinic Dr. Eckenswiller & Dr. Soumbasis: 403.930.3188 Fax | 403.984.5445 SPINE DEPARTMENT Clinic line | Spine Assessment Department & Booking Coordinators: email | [email protected] or call | 403.452.4798 Fax | 403.452.0995 SURGEONS’ CLINICS Clinic line | Dr. J. Bouchard: 403.944.8236 (FMC) or 403.984.5447 (Caleo Health) Clinic line | Dr. R. Cho: 403.452.6931 Fax | 403.984.5448 Clinic line | Dr. C. Cundal: 403.452.6911 or (RGH) Rockyview General Hospital cast clinic Clinic line | Dr. R. Hu: 403.944.2036 (FMC) or 403.452.6079 (Caleo Health) Clinic line | Dr. G. Swamy: 403.944.4487 (FMC) Foothills Medical Centre Clinic line | Dr. K. Thomas: 403.944.3070 (FMC) Foothills Medical Centre Clinic line | Dr. P. Lewkonia: 403-984-1910 Fax | 403.452.0995 Clinic line | Dr. Alex Soroceanu & Dr. Aziz: 403.984.5456 Fax | 403.452.0995 Clinic line | Dr. F. Nicholls: 403.930.3179 Fax | 403.452.0995 Clinic line | Dr. N. Evaniew: 403.930.3184 Fax | 403.452.0995 Clinic line | Dr. P. Magown: 403.984.5456 Fax | 403.452.0995 RHEUMATOLOGY DEPARTMENT Clinic line | Dr. Sharon Le Clercq & Dr. Britney Jones (Rheumatology Department) 403.930.3185 Fax | 403.984.5448 Clinic line | Dr. Liam Martin, (Rheumatology Department) 403.930.3180 Fax | 403.984.5448 CLINIC FAX NUMBERS: Fax | 403.452.0995 (main) Fax | 403.984.5445 (physicians ) Fax | 403.338.4011 (CDC Intervention Suite) Clinic line | Spine Assessment Department & Booking Coordinators: email | [email protected] or call | 403.452.4798 Fax | 403.452.0995 Clinic line | Image Guided Pain Injection Clinic – Canada Diagnostic Centres (CDC): 403.338.24010 or Fax | 403.338.4011 Clinic line | Rheumatology Department: email | [email protected] or call | 403.930.3185 Fax | 403.984.5448 Clinic line | Sports Medicine & Car Accident Specialist Examination Clinic (C.A.S.E): email | [email protected] or call | 403.930.3180 Fax | 403.452.0995 Clinic line | Disability Management & IMEs: email | [email protected] call | 403.452.1400 Fax | 403.452.1444 Clinic line | eConsultation Department: email | [email protected] or call | 403.930.3187 Clinic line | Clinic Administrator: 403.452.6018 Fax | 403.984.5448 Main clinic line | Caleo Health: email | [email protected] call |403.452.0999 Fax | 403.452.0995
Other Important Telephone Numbers & Emails